Curran, Hollenbeck & Orton, S.C. has extensive experience in municipal and school law. For over 80 years, we have represented counties, cities, villages, and townships, as well as sheriff departments, police departments, plan commissions, sanitary districts, drainage districts, lake districts, airports and other governmental entities. Over the years, we have represented every school district (5 districts) in Juneau County, and we are currently representing several.
Municipal Law: We are experienced in handling all kinds of administrative and municipal law issues, including the following:
- Drafting and Codification of Ordinances
- Ordinance Interpretation and Enforcement
- Annexations and boundary issues
- Condemnations / Eminent Domain
- Redevelopment Authorities, Housing Authorities and other development issues
- Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
- Airport issues
- Library Issues
- Tavern, Alcoholic Beverage and Liquor Licensing Issues
- Personal Property Tax Collections
- Hiring/Termination of Personnel
- Industrial Park Issues
- Razing Dilapidated Structures
- Zoning Ordinances, Comprehensive Plans and other land use issues
- Conditional Uses and Variances
- Public Construction and special assessments
- Streets, Alleys, easements and rights-of-way
School law: We are experienced in handling all kinds of school law issues, including the following:
- First Amendment rights of students and school employees
- Student searches and seizures
- Educational rights of students with disabilities
- Participation in athletic and other extracurricular activities
- Sexual harassment
- Challenges to academic decisions
- Discipline and expulsion of students
- Discipline and dismissal of employees
- Drug testing
- Student and employee injuries
- Transportation issues
Common Questions
Do you have questions about municipal law or school law in Wisconsin?
Here are some great resources where you can find answers to frequently asked questions.
- The League of Wisconsin Municipalities has an excellent website ( filled with helpful answers to common questions:
- The League of Wisconsin Municipalities also has a website which talks about the common powers of municipalities:
- The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has a website which addresses many common questions at:
- The U.S. Department of Education has produced a booklet called “Wisconsin Compilation of School Discipline Laws and Regulations” which can be found at:
- The “New School Board Member Handbook” for Wisconsin school boards can be found at:
- The Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB) has an excellent website with lots of helpful materials at:
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(608) 847-7363
Wisconsin Dells
(608) 253-7363